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4 Reasons to Paint Your Roof a Different Colour

You don’t have to install a whole new roof to spruce up this area of your home. You can paint the roof as an alternative.

While some homeowners go for the same colour or a close match, some take this opportunity to change their roof colour completely. When might you want to do this?

1. You don’t like your current roof colour

Some people paint their roofs a different colour simply because they don’t like the current shade. For example, the previous owners of your home might have chosen a colour you dislike. They might have gone for a colour that doesn’t blend in well with your neighbours’ roofs. The colour might look dated now.

If your current roof colour bothers you, then a repaint is a perfect solution. As well as restoring a tired and worn roof, a repaint gives you the chance to change its colour to one you prefer.

2. You have to meet local regulations

You don’t always have free rein to paint a roof in any colour you like. Your local council might set guidelines on the colours you should use.

While restrictions most often apply to heritage buildings, some councils have general regulations here. For example, they might impose colour recommendations on homes in a specific development or neighbourhood.

In some cases, a current roof colour might not match current regulations. They might have changed since the roof was last painted. So, you might not be able to stick with your current colour when you repaint but might need to change it to comply with up-to-date regulations.

If your local council does have restrictions, then you typically have to pick a roof colour that matches an approved colour palette. You still get some choice; however, this will be more limited than if your council allows you to choose your own colour.

3. Your roof no longer matches the rest of your home

If you’ve been doing up the exterior of your home, then you might have changed some of its façade already. For example, you might have painted your walls or added cladding to them. You might have replaced your windows, guttering and downpipes.

During this process, the exterior of your home will have changed. Your roof might not blend in with the rest of the building as well as it did before; it might not match your new colour scheme or design.

If your roof looks out of place now, then a repaint will bring it in line with the rest of your restoration. You can choose a colour that more closely matches the changes you’ve already made. Your home will look better as a whole.

4. You want to make your roof more energy-efficient

The colour of your roof affects its energy efficiency. It can make your home too hot in the heat of the sun; it also can keep heat in your home as the sun goes down. Your home won’t be energy-efficient if you don’t control its thermal efficiency.

Dark roofs are the primary culprit here. Darker colours absorb light and heat. They warm up as they do this and then pass heat down into your home. Your inside temperature rises and is slow to go down even when the weather cools outside. You might have to rely on air conditioning to keep cool.

If you want to improve your indoor temperatures and make your home more energy-efficient, then switching to a lighter roof colour often helps. White, pale or light-coloured roofs reflect light away from your home. As well as making it more comfortable indoors, you’ll also increase your energy efficiency and reduce your air conditioning bills.

For expert advice on choosing a new roof colour, contact Homestyle Roof Painters. We have a paint preview system so that you can see how different colours look on a roof. We can then clean, restore and repaint your roof for you so you get a professional restoration that lasts.

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1) Select a house part from the list below
2) Select a colour from our pallette
3) Repeat steps to achieve desired colour combination
4) Click the Email button to send us your selections

Please note that the Paint Previewer is only an indication of colour. Finished results may vary.

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